Climate-related land use policies in Brazil: How much has been achieved with economic incentives in agriculture?
Marcelo Carauta a, Christian Troost a, Ivan Guzman-Bustamante b, Anna Hampf c, Affonso Libera d, Katharina Meurer e, Eric Bo ̈necke f, Uwe Franko g, Renato de Araga ̃o Ribeiro Rodriguesh, Thomas Bergera,*
Until 2019, the Brazilian federal government employed a number of policy measures to fulfill the pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and agriculture. While its forest law enforcement strategy was partially successful in combating illegal deforestation, the effectiveness of positive incentive mea- sures in agriculture has been less clear. The reason is that emissions reduction from market-based incentives such as the Brazilian Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan cannot be easily verified with current remote sensing monitoring approaches. Farmers have adopted a large variety of integrated land-use systems of crop, livestock and forestry with highly diverse per-hectare carbon balances. Their responses to policy incentives were largely driven by cost and benefit considerations at the farm level and not necessarily aligned with federal environmental objectives. This article analyzes climate-related land-use policies in the state of Mato Grosso, where highly mechanized soybean–cotton and soybean–maize cropping systems prevail. We employ agent-based bioeconomic simulation together with life-cycle assessment to explicitly capture the heterogeneity of farm-level costs, benefits of adoption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Our analysis confirms previous assessments but suggests a smaller farmer policy response when measured as increase in area of integrated systems. In terms of net carbon balances, our simulation results indicate that mitigation effects at the farm level depended heavily on the exact type of livestock and grazing system. The available data were insufficient to rule out even adverse effects. The Brazilian experience thus offers lessons for other land-rich countries that build their climate mitigation policies on eco- nomic incentives in agriculture.
Soil CO2 emission in ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass pasture fertilized with liquid pig slurry
Adilson Amorim Brandão1*, Eduardo Guimarães Couto2, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues3, Oscarlina Lúcia dos Santos Weber2, Osvaldo Borges Pinto Júnior4
The application of liquid pig slurry (LPS) to pastures offers potential as a fertilizer but could have a direct influence on soil CO2 emissions. This study evaluated soil carbon dioxide emissions after successive LPS applications to soils under pasture cultivation. The experiment was carried out on ‘Tifton-85’ bermudagrass pasture cultivated in a red-yellow oxisol soil in the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Brazil. Two treatments were evaluated: the control and an application of 20 m3 ha-1 of LPS after each cut of the pasture. The CO2 emissions from the soil were determined using a high-precision infrared gas analyzer. Soil temperature and soil moisture were determined as were micrometeorological variables. The application of LPS had a significant effect on soil C-CO2 flow. The average flow of C-CO2 from the soil for the control treatment and with the application of LPS was 0.236 g C-CO2 m-2 h-1 and 0.291 g C-CO2 m-2 h-1, respectively. The application of LPS increased the accumulated CO2 emissions from the soil by 23.2%. Soil temperature and moisture are the main factors regulating the process of soil CO2 emission. These factors therefore need to be considered when evaluating the impact of LPS application on greenhouse gas emissions.
Greenhouse gas emission from the soils fertilized with liquid pig slurry (LPS) in Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture in tropical savanna
Adilson Amorim Brandão1*, Eduardo Guimarães Couto2, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues3, Oscarlina Lúcia Santos Weber2, Osvaldo Borges Pinto Júnior4
Soils have important roles in the global budgets of the greenhouse gases. The liquid pig slurry (LPS) in pastures has high potential as a fertilizer but could have a direct influence on emission of greenhouse gasses. This study evaluated the effects of the application of LPS and inorganic mineral fertilization during the rainy and dry seasons on the emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O in pastures planted with Tifton-85. The following treatments were tested: Control – no fertilization; LPS30 – 30 m3 ha-1; LPS60 – 60 m3 ha-1; LPS90 – 90 m3 ha-1 and inorganic mineral fertilization. Gasses were sampled using static chambers first during the months of March and April, then in June and July. Fertilization with LPS caused an increase in the flux of CO2 and CH4 during the first hours after its application, and CO2 emissions are greater during the rainy than in the dry season. However, the application of LPS in Tifton-85 pasture during rainy periods did not show high potential for emission of CO2, in contrast to application during the dry season. Fertilization with LPS increases the emission of N2O, and this varies as a function of the volume of LPS applied and the experimental conditions experimental conditions. The application of LPS in Tifton-85 pasture has a high potential for N2O emission during the rainy season, but the magnitude is similar to that resulting from inorganic mineral fertilization.
Simulation of soil carbon changes due to conventional systems in the semi-arid region of Brazil: adaptation and validation of the century model
Renato Américo de Araújo Neto, Stoécio Malta Ferreira Maia, Tiago Diniz Althoff, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri, Andre Luiz de Carvalho & Romulo Simões Cezar Menezes
Soils play an important role on the global carbon cycle, but conventional land use practices generate negative impact by reducing soil organic carbon (SOC) content. Studies regarding the use of mathematical models on the magnitude of such impacts are scarce in semi-arid regions, but they are essential to broaden the understanding of the effects of cropping systems and help in proposing more rational land use alternatives. However, mathematical models (e.g. Century) must be previously calibrated and validated to present satisfactory results. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to validate the Century model for simulating SOC dynamics in areas of native vegetation and estimating SOC stocks on the adoption of agricultural systems in the semi-arid region of Brazil with a previous calibrated model. The study was carried out in three soil types (Quartzipsamments, Psamments and Ultisol), located in the state of Alagoas, north-eastern Brazil, adopting conventional (with minimal use of machinery) agricultural land-use practices under rainfed conditions. Simulations consisted of validating the model with previously calibrated parameters from another area of the Brazilian semi-arid region. The results showed that the model proved to be effective in simulating SOC dynamics in areas of native vegetation in the semi-arid region of Alagoas (PBIAS ranging from 20 to −9%); however, it needs further adjustment for satisfactory SOC simulation in agricultural/pasture systems. The results showed that conventional systems of agricultural crops and pasture in the semi-arid region of Brazil lead to losses (2673 g C m−2 in native vegetation to 1960 g C m−2 in conventional systems) between 22% and 35%, (PBIAS variating −9 to 49%) and that SOC stocks reach a new steady state between 30 and 40 years after conversion from native vegetation into agriculture (ranging from 24 to 42% in different soil types).
Losses and gains of soil organic carbon in grasslands in the Brazilian semi-arid region
Aldair de Souza Medeiros1* , Stoécio Malta Ferreira Maia2 , Thiago Cândido dos Santos1 , Tâmara Cláudia de Araújo Gomes3
ABSTRACT: Studies show that soil organic carbon (SOC) decreases between 3 % and 9 % in degraded grasslands in tropical regions, mainly due to the absence of techniques to enhance carbon contribution to soils. This study assessed SOC stock change factors for grassland management, specific to the semi-arid region of Brazil. These factors may contribute to a better understanding of SOC dynamics and could be used to improve inventories on GHG emissions. In addition, they could be used for updating default factors used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This study considers both soil sampling and a literature review, and comprises 27 paired comparisons, where the dataset was analyzed using a mixed linear model. For the grassland in the Brazilian semi-arid region, the SOC stock is reduced by between 12 % and 27 % due to inadequate management, overgrazing, and edaphoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid. However, this depends on aspects, such as land use and soil layer, which represents substantially more severe losses than in other regions of the country. We also found that losses occur during the first five years after conversion of native vegetation. The results also indicated a trend for SOC stocks to recover over time, reaching 4 % after 30 years of use as grassland, probably related to the long period without soil tillage and the role of gramineas root system. Keywords: Caatinga, soil organic matter, management factors, degraded grasslands
2021_Medeiros et al. 2021 (Pastagem)
Soil carbon losses in conventional farming systems due to land-use change in T the Brazilian semi-arid region
Aldair de Souza Medeiros, Stoécio Malta Ferreira Maia,⁎, Thiago Cândido dos Santos, Tâmara Cláudia de Araújo Gomes
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Soil carbon losses in conventional farming systems due to land-use change in T the Brazilian semi-arid region
Conventional farming systems reduce soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in tropical regions, predisposing these soils to emit CO2 to the atmosphere. However, studies conducted worldwide have shown that the magnitude of these losses depends on the management practices adopted as well as climate and soil conditions; thus, accu- rately quantifying these SOC changes can be a major challenge. In this regard, the aim of this study was to derive specific SOC stock change factors for conventional farming systems in the semi-arid region of Brazil and to evaluate the impacts caused by the conventional systems of annual crops throughout time and soil profile on SOC stocks in this region. A total of 66 pairs of comparisons were used, and datasets were analyzed through a mixed linear model. Conventional systems with annual crops reduced the SOC stocks by 17, 13 and 4% for the 0–30, 0–50 and 0–100 cm soil layers, respectively, and for the period of 20 years of land use change. The SOC losses increased with the crop period, since the land-use change factors derived for 40 years showed a decrease of 26, 22 and 13% for the 0–30, 0–50, and 0–100 cm soil layers, respectively, when compared to the SOC stocks in native vegetation.
Can forests buffer negative impacts of land-use and climate changes on water ecosystem services? The case of a Brazilian megalopolis
Desagregação setorial do balanço energético nacional a partir dos dados da matriz insumo-produto: uma avaliação metodológica
Economia Aplicada (Impresso), v. 18, p. 379-419, 2014
Brasil, Insumo-Produto, Matriz Energética,
O artigo propõe e avalia três metodologias para estimar matrizes energéticas nacionais mais desagregadas a partir dos dados da matriz insumo-produto (MIP). Para avaliar os resultados, foram construídas três matrizes insumo-produto híbridas. As análises de correlação e de acuidade dos multiplicadores, índices de ligação setoriais, requerimentos de energia e emissões de CO2 mostraram convergência de resultados nos métodos Base BEN e Base MIP Ajustada. Conclui-se, portanto, que o uso de coeficientes insumo-produto, como ponderadores de expansão do consumo setorial de energia, permite estimar matrizes energéticas consistentes e que são válidas as análises estruturais da economia realizadas com base nelas.
Nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from N fertilization of maize crop under no-till in a Cerrado soil
Soil & Tillage Research rights and content
Greenhouse gas; Maize; N balance; Savannah; Tropical soil,
The low natural fertility of Oxisols in the Cerrado region makes some crops in this region very dependent on high rates of synthetic N-fertilizers, which are of growing environmental concern as a major source of N2O emissions in agriculture. In a field experiment, we quantified direct N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization (a source of indirect N2O emissions) from surface-applied N fertilizer on a no-till maize (Zea maysL.) crop in Cerrado biome. We used four fertilizers at the rate of 120 kg N ha−1 as topdress-N (V4–V6 growth stage), which were regular urea, urea + zeolite, calcium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, and a non-topdressed control. The total N losses as volatilized NH3 ranged from 2.2% (calcium nitrate) to 4.5% (urea + zeolite). The N loss as volatilized NH3 from urea was very low (3.2%), with no significant difference between urea + zeolite, ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate. Significantly, higher cumulated N2O emissions were observed with ammonium sulfate than with the control. No significant differences among fertilizers were found for emission factor (EF), which was 0.20% on average (0.14–0.26%), indicating that use of IPCC default EF (1.00%) would substantially overestimate N2O emission. Free drainage and acidity of Oxisols and occurrence of dry spells, known as ‘veranicos’, are characteristics of Cerrado biome that may naturally mitigate N2O emissions.
Educação Ambiental e filosofia prática: “Uma ou duas linhas e por trás uma imensa paisagem”
Remea, Revista Eletrônica do mestrado em Educação Ambiental, Rio Grande, V. Especial, p. 4-19, jan./jun. 2015
Educação Ambiental; Filosofia da Diferença; experimentação,
Resumo: A partir de uma oficina realizada em uma escola pública de Florianópolis (SC), o texto explora aspectos da filosofia prática de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari no encontro com a Educação Ambiental. Na primeira parte são apresentadas as ideias de ‘começo’, ‘criação’ e ‘experimentação’ e sua relação com o presente atual e o campo da Educação Ambiental. Na segunda parte apresentam-se as etapas da oficina e o modo pelo qual se esboça um campo problemático onde o ambiental se singulariza a partir de questões eminentemente vitais. Na parte final do texto, destacam-se alguns aspectos apresentados na segunda parte e de que maneira eles nos abrem e ao campo ambiental para novas regiões do viver.
Abstract: As from a workshop held in a public school in Florianópolis (SC), the text explores aspects of the practical philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the meeting with the Environmental Education. In the first part we present the ideas of ‘beginning’, ‘creation’ and ‘experimentation’ and its relation to the actual present and the field of Environmental Education. The second part presents the steps of the workshop and the way in which it outlines a problematic field where the environment is singularized from an eminently vital issues. At the end of the text highlights some aspects presented in the second part and in what way they open us and open the environmental field to new regions of living.