Integrated crop-livestock systems: A sustainable land-use alternative for food production in the Brazilian Cerrado and Amazon.
v.1, p.124580, 2020.
Sustainable intensification of agriculture is central to deal with the challenges of feeding a growing population while promoting a rational use of environmental and economic resources. Nowhere is this challenge more prominent than in Brazil, where low productivity and environmentally degrading agricultural activities occupy vast areas. We used the emergy synthesis approach, including innovative indices – emergy footprint and carbon-emergy output intensity – to assess and compare the environmental performance of an integrated crop-livestock system to a continuous crop and a continuous livestock system. Our analysis uses survey and empirical case study data from the 2017/18 crop season in Mato Grosso state, Brazil – the largest grain and beef producer in the country. Economic indicators such as gross revenue, production costs and profitability were calculated to complement the sustainability assessments. The emergy indices indicate that integrated crop-livestock system shows a balanced performance between input use and economic and environmental outcomes. In contrast, due to its heavy dependence on external inputs, the cropping system has poor environmental results, but the highest profitability. By excluding these environmental costs, current accounting of soy-corn production in Brazil dramatically overstates its net benefits to society and overall sustainability. The Emergy Sustainability Index for the integrated system was 0.66 and its Net Profit was USD 235.69 ha-1, while for the continuous crop system the values were 0.47 and USD 295 ha−1, respectively. The livestock system performed poorly in both, economic and environmental outcomes, underscoring the need to transition away from existing extensive systems. Livestock shows the highest positive greenhouse gas emissions, 7.98 E−09 tonCO2eq for each joule produced, and Net Loss of USD 0.58 ha-1. These results provide further support for Brazil’s investment in integrated systems as part of its climate mitigation and sustainable agricultural development plans and warrant consideration in sustainable agriculture initiatives in other countries where cattle production is widespread.
Impacts of the Fomento Program on Family Farmers in the Brazilian Semi-Arid and its relevance to climate change: a case study in the region of Sub medio São Francisco
Sustentabilidade em Debate
v11n1. 2020.
For some years, Brazil established itself as a leader in strategies of strategies and programs aimed at reducing the social vulnerability of the most vulnerable populations. In this context, the Program for the Promotion of Rural Productive Activities (Fomento Program), created in 2011, had as one of the main objectives to stimulate the generation of work and income, and promote food and nutritional security for rural, indigenous, traditional and settled populations of agrarian reform. In the Northeast, and more specifically in the Semi-arid region, the relevance of this Program stands out even more concerning climate projections, which indicates that such areas will suffer from more extreme drought in the face of climate change, affecting populations dependent on climate-sensitive activities. Therefore, given the diversity of impacts of the Fomento Program reported in the literature, this article sought to present results on the perception of the Program’s impacts from 24 family farmers, interviewed through qualitative research in four municipalities in the state of Bahia in 2017. In addition to the socio-productive aspects, the research sought to understand the Program’s impacts in the context of climate change. The results point to a positive perception mainly related to changes in production and technical assistance based on the Paradigm of Co-existence with the Semi-arid Region.
Impactos, vulnerabilidade e adaptação à mudança do clima no Brasil: uma abordagem integrada
MARENGO, J.; Rodrigues-Filho, S.; SANTOS, D.
v.11, p.19 - 23, 2020.
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o escopo metodológico para a elaboração da componente de Impactos, Vulnerabilidade e Adaptação (IVA) à mudança do clima, integrante da Quarta Comunicação Nacional (4CN) do Brasil à Convenção do Clima. A opção metodológica adotada contempla a aplicação da abordagem integrada Nexus+ com base em estudos de impactos e vulnerabilidades para as seguranças hídricas, energética, alimentar e socioambiental, nos territórios dos biomas brasileiros, zonas costeiras e cidades. Para cada uma das seguranças, houve identificação dos impactos observados; análise dos fatores condicionantes de risco; definição e avaliação dos impactos-chave; análise integrada dos impactos em uma base territorial; levantamento, seleção e análise de opções de adaptação à luz da abordagem Nexus+, com identificação de sinergias e trade-offs. O processo adotado possibilitou um olhar integrado entre os fatores condicionantes de risco, os impactos e as interfaces entre as opções de adaptação propostas.
A Abordagem Nexus+ aplicada a estudos de impactos, vulnerabilidade e adaptação à mudança do Clima no Brasil.
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o escopo metodológico para a elaboração da componente de Impactos, Vulnerabilidade e Adaptação (IVA) à mudança do clima, integrante da Quarta Comunicação Nacional (4CN) do Brasil à Convenção do Clima. A opção metodológica adotada contempla a aplicação da abordagem integrada Nexus+ com base em estudos de impactos e vulnerabilidades para as seguranças hídricas, energética, alimentar e socioambiental, nos territórios dos biomas brasileiros, zonas costeiras e cidades. Para cada uma das seguranças, houve identificação dos impactos observados; análise dos fatores condicionantes de risco; definição e avaliação dos impactos-chave; análise integrada dos impactos em uma base territorial; levantamento, seleção e análise de opções de adaptação à luz da abordagem Nexus+, com identificação de sinergias e trade-offs. O processo adotado possibilitou um olhar integrado entre os fatores condicionantes de risco, os impactos e as interfaces entre as opções de adaptação propostas.
Ciclagem de Nitrogênio em Florestas Tropicais e Plantações de Eucalipto no Brasil no Antropoceno
Silva, J. J. N.; de Mello, W. Z.; Rodrigues, R. A. R.;* Alves, B. J. R.; de Souza, P. A.; da Conceição, M. C. G.
Revista Virtual de Química
Rev. Virtual Quim., 2018, 10 (6), 1792-1808.
The nitrogen is a macronutrient essential for the functioning of the metabolism of living beings. However, due to the changes that the planet has been passing in the Anthropocene, the nitrogen cycling has been altered. Deforestation combined with changes in land use are primarily responsible for the change in their cycling. Emissions of greenhouse gases such as N2O were increased due to this deforestation and inadequate soil management practices, and this contributed to the fact that these changes in nitrogen cycling occurred. Considering the importance of nitrogen and the changes that it has undergone in the last decades, this work of revision aims to describe the role of nitrogen and the changes in its cycling due to the processes of land use change that occurred in the Anthropocene in forest areas tropical and eucalyptus plantations in Brazil.
The actions of the Brazilian agricultural sector in the context of climate change negotiations
Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodriguesa Marcela Cardoso Guilles da Conceiçãob Edison Dausacker Bidonec Eduardo da Silva Matosd Renato Campello Cordeiroe Gracie Verde Selvaf
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 10, n.2, p. 28-37, ago/2019
Brazil has always maintained a prominent position in negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, playing a major role in setting increasingly ambitious goals and encouraging consensus among Parties. With the purpose of reducing GHG emissions from the agricultural sector and disseminating and financing good agricultural practices, Brazil developed a platform of sustainable technologies and public policies, as the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan (the “ABC Plan”). This article reviews the main milestones of Brazil’s role in the international negotiation on climate change, how these factors affected the Brazilian agricultural sector between 2009 and 2018 and the authors’ personal view on this context. The objective is to provide an overview of Brazil’s actions regarding the agricultural sector which contribute to the voluntary commitment assumed by the Brazilian government at COPs 15 and 21 and to provide a critical analysis of how these actions are being implemented. The main results show that low carbon agriculture has been consolidated as the main Brazilian strategy for sustainable rural development, but it is vital for our country to continue with these actions.
Dinâmica do Nitrogênio em Sistemas Agrícolas e Florestais Tropicais e seu Impacto na Mudança do Clima
Rodrigues, R. A. R.;* de Mello, W. Z.; da Conceição, M. C. G.; de Souza, P. A.; Silva, J. J. N.Abstract: Nitrogen is the most abundant element of the atmosphere, being present in the constitution of several atmospheric gases, among them nitrous oxide (N2O). The N2O is one of the most powerful greenhouse gases, due to its high potential for global warming. In Brazil, the sector that emits more N2O to the atmosphere is Agriculture, due to the high amounts of nitrogen fertilizers applied in the field. However, the country has an advanced public policy of adopting agricultural technologies that contribute to the reduction of this problem. The present review aims to show the dynamics of Nitrogen in agricultural and forest systems, the role of Nitrogen in the economy and present the main mitigation strategies in greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.
Revista Virtual de Química
Rev. Virtual Quim., 2017, 9 (5), 1868-1886. Data de publicação na Web: 28 de agosto de 2017.
Abstract: Nitrogen is the most abundant element of the atmosphere, being present in the constitution of several atmospheric gases, among them nitrous oxide (N2O). The N2O is one of the most powerful greenhouse gases, due to its high potential for global warming. In Brazil, the sector that emits more N2O to the atmosphere is Agriculture, due to the high amounts of nitrogen fertilizers applied in the field. However, the country has an advanced public policy of adopting agricultural technologies that contribute to the reduction of this problem. The present review aims to show the dynamics of Nitrogen in agricultural and forest systems, the role of Nitrogen in the economy and present the main mitigation strategies in greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.
Nitrous oxide emissions and forage accumulation in the Brazilian Amazon forage-livestock systems submitted to N input strategies
Alexandre Ferreira do Nascimento1 | Carine Moreira de Oliveira2 | Bruno Carneiro Pedreira1 | Dalton Henrique Pereira2 | Renato Ribeiro de Aragão Rodrigues3
In the Brazilian Amazon, nitrogen input strategies are required to maintain forage–live- stock systems productivity. However, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions mitigation from tropical soils is also a global demand. This research aims to assess productivity and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from Oxisol cultivated with Marandu palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha [Hochst. Ex A.Rich.] Stapf) submitted to nitrogen (N) input strate- gies (N fertilization and biological N fixation) in the Brazilian Amazon. The treatments were the following: control (unfertilized); U40 (fertilized with 40 kg N/ha as urea); U80 (fertilized with 80 kg N/ha as urea); AS40 (fertilized with 40 kg N/ha as ammonium sulfate); AS80 (fertilized with 80 kg N/ha as ammonium sulfate); and IAB (inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense). From January to March 2016, soil N2O emission, forage accumulation (FA) and relative emission (RE) were assessed during two 28-day cycles. The FA was greater in the U80 and AS80 than in control and IAB. The highest peaks of soil N2O flux occurred from 4 to 7 days after N fertilization, primarily in the highest N rates treatments. Overall, 40 kg N/ha resulted in higher N2O flux than control and IAB, which were lower than 80 kg N/ha regardless of the N source. The lowest fluxes oc- curred in the control and IAB (below 20 μg N-N2O m−2 hr−1). All of the emission factors (EF) calculated for both fertilizers and rates were lower than 0.35%, which is below the 1% established by the IPCC. Our results indicate the need for discussion of the EF in the pasture intensification to contribute to avoid deforestation and mitigating emissions. The inputs of 40 kg N/ha per application with urea or ammonium sulfate, due to the low EF and RE, are recommended as a pasture N input strategy in the Brazilian Amazon.
Sampling frequency to estimate cumulative nitrous oxide emissions from the soil
Alexandre Ferreira do Nascimento(1 ) and Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues(2
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
Abstract ‒ The objective of this work was to assess the influence of gas sampling frequency on the cumulative emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) from the soil. Gas emissions were assessed over a period of two years (2014–2016), in four systems: eucalyptus forestry, crops, pasture, and native forest. The cumulative emissions of N2O were calculated at sampling intervals of 7, 14, and 21 days. The sampling intervals did not influence the final results of cumulative N2O emissions from the soil in the assessed systems.
Attractants for automated emission measurement (Greenfeed®) in pasture-based systems
Mircéia Angele Mombach1, Perivaldo de Carvalho1, Luciano da Silva Cabral1, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues2, Renato Cristiano Torres3, Dalton Henrique Pereira4, Bruno Carneiro e Pedreira3*
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
ABSTRACT – This study aimed to evaluate the frequency and intensity of GreenFeed (GF) use by Nellore steers using different attractants in pastures of integrated systems. The attractant protein supplement and Tifton bermudagrass pelleted hay flavored with vanilla were evaluated over a period of 15 days. The pelleted hay stimulated the animals to stay longer in the equipment (24.23 s), with 8% more visits in intervals longer than 30 s in contrast to protein supplement. This indicates that pelleted hay flavored with vanilla is a potential attractant to encourage Nellore steers to visit GF in grazing systems.
Short-term effect of Eucalyptus plantations on soil microbial communities and soil-atmosphere methane and nitrous oxide exchange
Caroline A. Cuer1,2, Renato de A. R. Rodrigues3, Fabiano C. Balieiro4, Jacqueline Jesus5, Elderson P. Silva6, Bruno José R. Alves6 & Caio T. C. C. Rachid 1
Nature - Scientifc Reports
Soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a significant environmental problem resulting from microbially-mediated nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycling. This study aimed to investigate the
impact of Eucalyptus plantations on the structure and function of a soil microbial community, and
how resulting alterations may be linked to GHG fluxes. We sampled and monitored two adjacent Eucalyptus plantations—a recently logged site that harbored new seedlings and an adult plantation— and compared them to a site hosting native vegetation. We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and
qPCR amplifications of key nitrogen and methane cycle genes to characterize microbial structure and functional gene abundance and compared our data with soil parameters and GHG fluxes. Both microbial community attributes were significantly affected by land use and logging of Eucalyptus plantations. The genes nosZ and archaeal amoA were significantly more abundant in native forest than in either young or old Eucalyptus plantations. Statistical analyses suggest that land use type has a greater impact on microbial community structure and functional gene abundance than Eucalyptus rotation. There was no correlation between GHG fluxes and shifts in microbial community, suggesting that microbial community structure and functional gene abundance are not the main drivers of GHG fluxes in this system.
International climate change negotiation: the role of Brazil
Marcela Cardoso Guilles da Conceiçãoa Renato Aragão Ribeiro Rodriguesb Fernanda Reis Cordeiroc Fernando Vieira Cesáriod Gracie Verde Selvae Carolinna Mariaf Eduardo da Silva Matosg Renato Campello Cordeiroh Edison Dausacker Bidonei
The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere raises the average temperature of the planet, triggering problems that threaten the survival of humans. Protecting the global climate from the effects of climate change is an essential condition for sustaining life. For this reason, governments, scientists, and society are joining forces to propose better solutions that could well-rounded environmentally, social and economic development relationships. International climate change negotiations involve many countries in establishing strategies to mitigate the problem. Therefore, understanding international negotiation processes and how ratified agreements impact a country is of fundamental importance. The purpose of this paper is to systematize information about how climate negotiations have progressed, detailing key moments and results, analyzing the role that Brazil played in the course of these negotiations and the country’s future perspectives.